Yeah I'm looking at you, you bastard. Wow, you're such a cool suave and debonair dude. For real... a guy must EXUDE fucking self-confidence and savvy and wit to do what you did, which is to make fun of a 24-year-old pregnant woman who has a rare blood disease that might cause her baby to die. Oh, yeah, a young woman with a disease and a possibly dead baby is TOTAL joke fodder to you pricks. We're so macho and cool that nothing is sacred. A scared young woman praying for the life of her child is a big healthy gut laugh, amirite?
I am. I am right, and when that's the case you fuckers all deserve to die. The fact that this young lady's children keep dying and you motherfuckers are still alive clearly proves that the system ain't perfect yet.
Fuck you all.
Welcome to the People Who Hate People club.